Say 1) "The Lord gave me a temple to
live within on Earth." On 1/2 the chalk board draw a simple outline of a temple. Ask if any of the kids live at the temple. Then ask what does this line represent? (our body is a temple)
SING to (earth)
Say 2) "once in heaven I was spirit, but I left my home at birth."
Draw a dotted line spirit body outline on the other half of the chalkboard.
SING to (birth)
Say 3) "I'll make my temple brighter." Ask what this means and how we can make our temple brighter? Draw the answers - eat healthy
foods, exercise, sleep, scripture study, etc
SING to (brighter)
Say 4) "I'll keep my spirit free." Ask how we do this. Draw the
answers - Word of Wisdom items and draw a red circle around each of them and cross them out
similar to a "no smoking" sign.
SING to (free)
Say 5) "My body is the temple my Father gave
to me." Fill in the body by tracing around the dotted lines, add
facial features, clothes, etc. Sing the line together.
REVIEW/CEMENT the song - Now we have to erase
all the bad things off the board. I'll have my watching eyes on and the singer
trying their hardest will get to come up and erase something until all the bad things are gone...
---This concept is a little deep for JR Primary. I'm sure my struggle at the board was obvious. But I made it through! Sometimes it takes a few minutes to get all my gears going. Alas, it's always important to remember that the JR kids are getting it, even when the waters seem rough. It's really amazing what they pick up. And after all that, the JR kids did enjoy the pictures and erasing the bad things off the board. :)
---SR Primary got it and came up with some really good answers for what we put/don't put in our bodies. Song success!
---I tried something new with this lesson plan that I don't normally do. I tried to do as suggested above and sing solo as I drew. While this works for some people, apparently it's not my cup of tea. This added to the awkwardness of my experience in JR Primary with this lesson. Sorry to the Teachers who had to endure my solo singing attempt. By SR Primary I just talked through the song lyrics, I didn't sing them. (Then everyone sang with me). It worked out better that way, for me at least. Hey - live and learn, right? :)
Great idea!!! I'm definitely going to use this today!! :) I love low maintenance singing times!!!