Tuesday, January 7, 2014

WHO Lived in Heaven?


I took the 3 Bowls idea and made it even easier for the song I Lived in Heaven.
  1. Quickly learn the song.
  2. Invite a child up. Present the “WHO” bowl. Ask,“who lived in Heaven?”. Confirm, “yes, boys - you lived in Heaven! So you get to sing this time!”
  3. Sing.
  4. Repeat. (Present the “WHO” bowl. Ask,“who lived in Heaven?”. Confirm, “yes, kids wearing dresses - you lived in Heaven! So you get to sing this time!”)
  5. Sing.
  6. Repeat....

Ideas for the WHO? bowl (or basket or bag):
  • boys
  • girls
  • eye color
  • hair color
  • hair length
  • wearing dresses
  • wearing ties
  • clothing color
  • missing teeth
  • grown ups
  • 8 and older
  • have/had a birthday this year